This morning Lucas and I went to his first Kindermusik class (Jeff will hopefully be convinced to go next week since there
was one other dad there). I was a little worried that he was too young, but it was great and he seemed to really enjoy it. He may even be the perfect age because the mobile babies were sometimes preoccupied with moving and didn't pay attention..but Lucas will be doing that soon too.
The class went like this - we got there 10 min early so that we could socialize with the other mommies and babies. Other than Lucas at 5 months old, there was a 6 week old boy, a 7 month old girl and a 1 year old girl. The instructor, Miss Vanessa, had some "instruments" (bells) for the babies to play with. Lucas was so interested in his first instrument that he sat up by himself for a whole 15 min! That is the first time that he's sat up for more than a couple of min. I wonder if it helped that the 7 month old little girl was sitting up right next to him?
After socializing we started the class by singing a "hello" song, which included going around the room and inserting every baby's name into the song. As we were singing we were told to sway, bounce, skip, etc with our baby. Then we laid the babies on their backs and practiced intentional touch as we sang to them. And the class went on like this, incorporating music into everything we did. Lucas seemed to love looking at the other mommies and babies, and I can see how music is going to be a good developmental tool for us.
Lucas with his first instrument

Lucas with his new friend, Hannah

Hannah crawling away with all of the instruments

Lucas giving Miss Vanessa a hug good-bye