We have seen Lucas develop into a smarter little boy this past month. He clearly knows what he wants and is beginning to "manipulate" us to get it. An example is the other day when I took away a ziploc bag from him because he was chewing on it. He screamed, I gave it back, he smiled.
Last week in Atlanta Lucas viewed it as a social opportunity for him. He figured out that he is "cute" and that if he smiles at someone they will smile back and talk to him. You could see him "working the crowd" by looking at everyone's faces and smiling. If he didn't get any attention after a few minutes he would let out a squeal that was sure to get someone's attention.
Physically, Lucas is trying really hard to crawl. We fear that once he gets it there will be no stopping him. He is now moving from the sitting position to all fours, rocking, and then falling..but he rocks for a little longer each day. He just needs a few more days to build up his arm strength, I think.
Lucas has been eating solids for a little over a month now. He's had rice cereal, oatmeal, acorn squash, sweet potatoes, banana and apple. I am making him some butternut squash and pearsauce to try this week. We've only been feeding him twice a day, but I think we're going to start three times a day this week...in hopes that he'll sleep better!
So the sleep..ugh..not much better. We've tried every possible thing but letting him cry. We're not there yet because he seems to be thriving developmentally, even though he wakes up a lot. When he is cranky during the day due to no sleep is when we'll talk more about letting him cry. I've been bad about a schedule because of him getting a cold, having to go to Atlanta, etc...but starting tomorrow we're going to try really hard to get him on a schedule. Everyone says that babies thrive off of schedules...I hope they are right.
Other than not being a good sleeper, Lucas is perfect in our eyes and we simply adore him.
He saw the doctor this week and the doctor said that he's looking good. He weighs 16lbs 10oz, which is 40% among other boys his age. He is 26.5 in long, which is 55%. His little head is 35%.
Every month we take pictures of Lucas in his room or on our bed...I hope to get that done tomorrow...so check back to see his "6 month poses"...
Here is a picture of him "hamming it up" before we went to his 6 month checkup...

Happy 6 month b-day Lucas!!!
What a handsome little boy!! For what it's worth, we never let Lily cry it out, and now she sleeps great (most of the time). The single biggest thing that helped her sleep was a real schedule, one which I almost never budge from now!! Good luck... Sounds like Lucas is doing great.
Kelly, do you wake Lily up if she sleeps longer than you planned? Lucas stays awake 3hrs between naps, so if he sleeps 30min longer in the first nap it puts him to bed 30min later in the evening...
Actually if she sleeps later in the morning, she usually takes a shorter nap in the afternoon, and in the afternoon I don't let her sleep past 4 no matter when she goes down (She goes to bed at 7). Hope that helps!! :)
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