Friday, October 27, 2006

Morning Jogs

It's been 7 months, so I figure that I have no excuse for not exercising a little bit every now and then. Being a mommy is physically a lot harder than I thought it would be - nobody tells you this stuff. I haven't had an exercise routine in over 7 months; I eat pretty well but it's usually interrupted by something Lucas needs; I probably don't get around to drinking enough water; and you all know that we don't get enough sleep around here. Anyway, Lucas and I started our new exercise routine this week. We went for a morning jog almost every day. We couldn't leave Tyson behind, so he rode in the pocket underneath Lucas. I will have to get a picture, but for now here is a picture of Lucas and me after a run. Lucas falls asleep almost every time....he had just woken up in this picture...

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