Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Wilmington Triathlon

Jeff participated in his first sprint triathlon this weekend in Wilmington, NC. The race consisted of a 1500 meter swim, a 20K bike, and a 5K run. In miles, this is about a 1 mile swim, a 12 mile bike and a 3 mile run. The swim took place in a channel system between Wrightsville Beach and the mainland, but channel-schmannel... it looked and felt like an ocean swim. They say that the race is during the incoming tide, so it actually feels like a 750-1000 meter swim because you have the current behind you.
We all got up at 5am so that Jeff could get to the race by 6am. Jeff had a lot of fans cheering him on - Sandy, Dennis, Scott, Lucas and me. When we got to the race it was still dark. Lucas had a fun time pointing out every star in the sky by exclaiming "huh! huh!" as he pointed to the sky. There were 1200 participants in the race, so the air was buzzing with energy. Our friend Jessi was also doing the race, so she and Jeff set out their bikes and caught the bus over to the swim start together. Jeff's official start time was 7:33am. We were there to see him come out of the water and to start his run. He smiled big each time and didn't look tired at all, but as he ran by me on his last leg he said, "This is going to be tough."
He ended up finishing better than he thought he would, so he was happy with his performance. Poor Jessi got caught in a current with a few of the other swimmers for 20 min, so she wasn't as happy with her time. Some of the others that were caught in the current had to get the guys in the rescue boats to help them out, so she did great to get out by herself.

Jeff and Jessi (our workout buddy)

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