Monday, November 09, 2009


For all of our family (and friends) who log on to see updates on the kids on a daily basis, I'm sorry for the lack of updates lately. It seems that Miss Ellen has been taking notes from her big brother in the sleep department. She flings her pacifier across the room at night and makes it clear that she wants no substitute for her mommy. I'm hoping that it's just her molars and she will go back to being an okay (notice I didn't say "good") sleeper once they have come in. Please, please, please let it be her molars... : )


Jennifer said...

Oh Shan - I'm sorry. It will get better when her teeth come in. Mary is acting out too b/c her teeth hurt. She's in Diva mode all day. I love you!

Anonymous said...

Hey Shanna! It's Elisa...haven't checked your blog in a while, but checked it out today, and just had to smile at your last blog and other blogs about ellen, throwing the pacifier, crawling in the dishwasher, unrolling toilet tissue...she sounds JUST like my 2nd Reagan, i swear she has done all of those EXACT things....just getting into everything, and making it crystal clear when she is not happy!! Hope all get's better soon!!

Meg Boyd said...

Hang in there!

Wendy said...

Poor Ellen - hope it is just the molars...hang in there!