Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Eve

This is what the family room looked like when Jeff and I went to bed a midnight on Christmas Eve. My parents and Jeff had to lay it all out because I had Lucas duty. He was sleeping with us anyway since my parents were in his bed, but I was SO afraid that he was going to walk out of our room as we were putting out all of the gifts. So I put a trap by the door so that if he opened it something would fall and make a noise. Sure enough the stinker woke up and thankfully I got to him in time to coax him back to bed and snuggle with me until he fell asleep.
Lucas got the three things that he asked Santa for - 1) Scooby Doo Wii game 2) Star Wars gun and 3) Star Wars Leggos.
Santa brought the family a Wii.
Santa brought Ellen baby stuff and food stuff. Fake food for her kitchen, a fake pizza making kit, and a baby doll with some accessories.
Jeff and I exchanged sports related gifts. He got some triathlon stuff (hat, jacket) and I got an 8wk session to a new yoga studio. The best part of Jeff's gift to me is that the class is from 6:30-8:00pm on Tuesday nights, so I also get a night "off" each week for the next two months! That's as relaxing as the yoga : )

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