Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Morning

After Lucas waking up around 10pm and nearly walking into the family room, I thought we were in the clear. We were snug in our room on the wee hours of Christmas morning. Lucas was in our bed. I guess that I was so tired from staying up until midnight that I didn't feel the little stinker crawl right over me at 3am. I didn't know he had done it until he came running back into our bedroom exclaiming, "Mommy! Daddy! Santa brought me a Scooby Doo game!!!"

Oh no! My heart sunk. Christmas was ruined! Luckily I pulled it together and quickly told myself that it was only ruined if I acted like it was ruined. So instead of getting upset I said, "Wow! You're so lucky! But it's still very early so we better go back to sleep so we can play with all of your new things tomorrow." Luckily, again, he didn't protest. But the poor guy had a hard time going back to sleep, as you can imagine. It was so cute. I was almost asleep and he whispered, "And he got me the Star Wars gun too." Then what seemed like a long time passed and I was nearly asleep. Again. "And Mommy, he ate all of his cookies that I left for him!" And the last thing he said, at 4:15am was, "Santa also brought me some leggos!"

A couple of hours later we all woke up and had a re-do on seeing what Santa brought us : )

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