Saturday, January 21, 2012


Jeff and I are in Atlanta for Lauren's wedding.  As a bonus, we get to see Mom!  We drove in on Friday and some quality time with her last night and this morning.  

Update 5/14/2012.  I didn't know it at the time, but this was the last picture that I took with Mom.  She would have killed me for posting it because she didn't have any make-up on and hadn't fixed her hair.  But I am posting because she looks BEAUTIFUL to me.  Bright eyes, bright smile... these are the things I will remember about Mom.

When Jeff and I left we went to visit Jennifer at her work.  She had to work that Saturday, but I at least wanted a hug.  As we were leaving I realized that I had left my electric tooth brush at Mom's, so we drove the few miles back to her house to get it.  The last memory I have of Mom in good health is her wearing this blue house coat, waiting for us on her front steps, waving my tooth brush in the air with a big smile on her face.

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