Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Ellen and Tyson

Ellen has recently claimed Tyson as her own.  He sleeps with her at night and she is the one that carries him up the stairs to bed at night and down the stairs in the morning.  The poor guy is 11 now and has a hard time seeing and hearing.  He can go up the stairs alone, and often does around 8pm to tuck himself in to Ellen's bed : )

This development is unexpected because the reason we got a second dog in the first place was because Tyson was trying to bite Ellen whenever she tried to pick him up and baby him, which was pretty much daily.  Tyson got a break for about 6 months while Ellen played with the puppy, but now that the puppy weighs almost as much as Ellen, she has lost interest and is back to toting Tyson around like a baby.  But, he doesn't seem to mind now!  I actually like it because I feel guilty that he doesn't get all of my attention like he used to. 

Ellen does still play with Annie though!  The below picture is her big success in making a cart that she could push Annie around on.  She's so smart.  At first she put Annie in the pink basket, which has wheels, but Annie was too heavy and it wouldn't move.  Ellen said, "I got it!" and put the basket on top of Annie's bed.  Then, to solve the problem of Annie jumping out, she put her leash on her and tied the leash to the basket.  Annie doesn't look as happy as Ellen does : )

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