Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Finn and Ellen

Finn, our next door neighbor, has become more of Ellen's buddy than Lucas's.  Lucas is a year and a half older than him and Ellen is only 10 months younger, so she is more on his level right now.  These two can play for hours, which I love.  And, they are super creative, but also messy!  In this scene, they were building a house for Tyson, complete with a fenced in yard.  See the boxes on top of the end table?   That is supposed to be the roof.  Ellen gets very specific ideas of what she wants and gets frustrated if she can't do it perfectly.  For example, she wanted two things that could come together in a point to make a roof, even though the table was already acting as a roof.  So we had to go in the attic and find these two boxes to make her happy.  Notice Lucas playing with Annie in the background.  Notice Tyson, not too sure about this arrangement  : )

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