Wednesday, April 22, 2009

6 Month Well Visit

Ellen had her 6 month appt with Dr. Wiles and Nurse Janet yesterday. She continues to be a little bird, weighing in at 14.2 lbs, which is in only the 15th percentile compared to other little girls her age. When Janet told me that I got alarmed, but Dr. Wiles wasn't concerned at all and told me that her growth curve looked healthy and that was all that mattered. Ellen is a very efficient eater, nursing for only about 5 min at a time, but she never fusses and I assume she would if she were hungry. So she's just thin right now. Her length, however, is in the 65th percentile and her cute little head is in the 55th.

I was really looking forward to her visit - I always love to hear what Dr. Wiles has to say. I was disappointed that Ellen woke up early, around 7am, and was due for a nap at 9am - the same time as our appointment! She was stimulated though, and hung in there. I just love our nurse and doctor. Nurse Janet always seems genuinely excited to see the kids and is always impressed by something they are doing - like a family member would be. Yesterday she commented how strong and busy Ellen was at this age as Ellen scooted all around the table, squealing with delight and then looking up to smile at Janet.

I was also looking forward to this visit because Miss Ellen has not been sleeping well and I was looking for something to blame it on - like an ear infection (not that I wanted her to be sick). Along with not sleeping well, she has also been scratching at her eyes and ear. It turns out that she looks great, so we're guessing it is allergies, teeth, or maybe a mild cold since she did have a runny nose for a day. OR it could be that she has been talking to Lucas about sleep habits!!!


Meg Boyd said...

She is beautiful! Don't worry for one second...Madison is only in the 5th percentile for weight at 3 and she is just fine.

Wendy said...

Happy half-birthday, Ellen! She's just beautiful. Hope she starts sleeping better for you soon!