Sunday, April 26, 2009

Lazy Sunday

Today was so nice. Here's how it went...
- Jeff was finally able to get in a game of golf with his friend Josh and was gone by 7am.
- Ellen woke up at 7am, but allowed me to snooze in our bed until 8am.
- Lucas slept until 9:45am!!!!
- breakfast and cartoons for a while...
- Ellen napped from 11:00-12:30 while Lucas and I played in the water hose out back, pulled out the "patio furniture" and cleaned it, and gave Tyson a bath.
- When Ellen woke up we played in the front yard - Ellen on a blanket and LB with his trike.
- Lucas and I made a quick run to the farmer's market mid-afternoon.
- Early dinner of fresh fruits and veggies on the back patio on our make-shift furniture.
- More playing in the back yard - Lucas with worms, baseballs and composting and Ellen with toys on a blanket.
- Kids in bed by 8pm and Rocky Road ice cream treat for Jeff and me : )

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

I love days like this and I can't wait until y'all get here!!