Saturday, April 18, 2009

The Memphis Zoo

The kiddos made their first appearance at a zoo while we were in Memphis...

Lucas wasn't as into it at first as I thought he would be. He wanted to keep moving, but did stop for a few minutes to look at the awesome panda bear that was chowing down on bamboo...

Most of the animals were sleeping or far away, but when I saw the elephants right next to the fence I got excited. Lucas had never seen an elephant, but has been talking about them for two years. Unfortunately the sno cone cart was right next to the elephant cage and it trumped the elephants for Lucas. He chose purple and didn't look twice at the elephants : )

He did enjoy the aquarium, but mostly because he made friends with a little boy and they were playing "chase" with the seal. The seal was going in and out of a tunnel and the boys would run back and forth in front of the glass to see him on each end... giggling the entire time. I didn't get a picture of that, but here is sweet Ellen in the aquarium...

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