Thursday, October 08, 2009

Flu Season

Luckily we don't have the flu, but 75% of our family has had something in the past 2 weeks. Right after we got home from ATL, Lucas got a fever one day and I thought we were in for the long haul of sickness, but he was only down for about 5 hours! Immediately following LB's fever, Ellen had one for about a day. Then a few days later Jeff woke up with a fever and now has strep throat. So that is my excuse for not blogging for the past week. I don't know how single moms do it. I'll be happy to have my healthy husband back this weekend to enjoy this awesome fall weather.

And, I nearly forgot to say that the kids got their flu shots this week. I'm always on the fence with that, but we decided to this year. Anyway, I was dreading it because I was scared for Lucas and the fear that he'd have when he saw that needle. Every year before he's still been babyish and may not have realized what was going on. When it was time for the shot he was still giggling and talking to the nurse. I told him to "look in my eyes, look in my eyes" as she gave him the shot. His eyes got wide for a second and he thought about crying, but then it passed and we praised him for being so brave. After that he was SO proud of himself. And I was proud of him too : )

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