Sunday, December 13, 2009

2009 Santa Pictures

Well, we tried, but not too hard. We had three chances at Santa pics this year, but didn't even take a try with the third one. The first go around was at Cameron Village in the toy store. Mr. and Mrs. Clause were both there. Lucas seemed a little shy, but excited to sit in Santa's lap. I made a motion like I was putting Ellen on his lap she completely lost it... like she knew what was coming. Santa looked at me with a not-so-nice look and said, "Not this year."
Our second try was at Pullen Park this weekend. Again, Ellen flipped, so I just held her. As you can see below, however, she WAS interested in Santa, just not with sitting alone in his lap.
I feel a teensy bit bad that Ellen doesn't have a good Santa picture yet, but honestly I may feel worse to put her through the stress of getting one. I saw a child her age at the mall scream for a good 2-3 minutes. The poor baby was so scared and her mom was just laughing. So I'm saving Ellen from that at the expense of no good picture.
And Lucas in the first picture... he said he was a little scared : )

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