Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Should I be worried?

Scene: Driving home from preschool today.

Me: "Lucas, we're going to Whole Foods after lunch and you can have a cupcake (small bite sized one) as a treat."

Lucas: "I don't want a cupcake."

Me: "Why not, sweetie?

Lucas: "It has too much sugar... I just want to go home and clean the house."

HAHA - what a stinker.

So, let me explain. Wednesday is our house cleaning day and Lucas enjoys helping, as I've blogged about before. As for the sugar, he had a little bit of whipped cream on some waffles for breakfast about a month ago, and just so happened to get a little virus and throw up at school that day. He associated the throwing up with the whipped cream, so now he really believes me when I tell him that desserts have too much sugar.


Karen said...

Of all the things for a 3 year old to repeat that he hears... impressive!

Frances Katrin said...

you couldn't have planned that any better!