Thursday, January 07, 2010


Here we are again, talking about sleep on this blog. Will we ever NOT be talking about that subject? My parents visited over the holidays and my parents were shocked that we weren't a happily rested family (we are happy, just not rested). My mom said that I don't talk about it on the blog like I did ALL THE TIME with Lucas. I guess I've just accepted that Ellen won't sleep well until she's 3yrs old, just like Lucas. At that age I'll be able to reason with her and hopefully convince her that sleeping is awesome. Lucas said the other day, "I like sleep now", so I know there is hope. For now, however, she wants me by her side all night and when she wakes up - sometimes 3x, sometimes 6x - she wants to nurse herself back to sleep. It took us 14 months, but Jeff and I are starting to question ourselves because we are just so tired and sometimes frustrated if the bedtime routine takes an extra long time or if I don't get enough rest and am grouchy the next day. I know, however, that I'll question myself and in the end do just what I'm doing... because it feels right. And Ellen is awesome. Maybe she would be awesome anyway, but maybe she's awesome because of the way we respond to her. Anyway, I know I'm not going to change me, so I'm trying to change her. She doesn't eat tons during the day. She can feed herself well, and prefers to, but then gets bored or distracted by Tyson (who is begging beside her high chair). So this week I put Baby Einstein on my computer and stuffed her with mashed potatoes and peas as she was entertained by the t.v. Maybe if she is more full she won't wake up as much. I'm sure I tried this with Lucas and I'm sure it didn't work, but I'm hopeful and that helps : )

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