Thursday, May 05, 2011


We have visitors! And we love it. Aunt Susan (Jeff's mom's sister) flew in yesterday from Seattle and then Scott and Sandy (Jeff's brother and mom) arrived today. When they are in town we cook a lot, since Susan is an excellent cook and can make something good out of anything, and spend a lot of time outside.

As you can see in the first picture, Ellen took right to Susan. She snuggled up against her in no time. Susan has a broken toe and Ellen is very interested in her "boo-boo."

Ellen also loves Uncle Scott. She sat him right down and asked him what he wanted to eat!

And of course Lucas loves having another playmate at home. They wasted no time getting out the light sabers. Scott always brings the kids generous gifts. This time he gave Lucas one of his old action figures. Lucas thought it was the coolest gift ever.

The weather has been perfect. This evening we spent a lot of time in our front yard and the porch. Jeff, Scott, Lucas and me played a great game of freeze tag. Jeff and I are sure that it will be one of his greatest childhood memories : )

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