Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Ellen Sleep Update

Our lady hasn't gotten nearly as many posts related to sleep during her first two years. Thankfully she was much easier with sleep than Lucas as a baby/toddler. I finally have one of those textbook babies that I used to hear about that goes to sleep on her own!

For her nap we have a routine where she goes potty, we play with her doll house for a few minute, ie feed them lunch, take them on a walk, make sure they potty and then tuck them in for their nap. Then I lay down with her for a few minutes until she is settled. Then I tell her that Mommy has to go work and tell her what fun activity we're going to do when she wakes up. I kiss her and leave, shutting the door behind me that has a child proof latch on it so she can't come out. Sometimes she goes right to sleep, but most of the time she plays for 30min to an hour. We can hear her moving things around in her room and singing. She usually makes it to her pillow, but this day she didn't : ) This is what I found when I opened the door to wake her up :

She'll sleep 3 hours if we let her, but lately she's been going down around 2pm, but not going to sleep until about 3pm, and we wake her at 5pm to ensure she goes to bed at a decent hour at night.

At night we have a similar routine. Either Jeff or I go in there - we take turns with each kid. We can usually tell her that we are going to put our pj's on and that we'll check on her later. Then we leave the light on low and leave the room. I love it when I see her snuggling into her pillow and bunny as I'm leaving the room. Jeff and I both go up before we go to bed to turn off her light. We LOVE seeing her sleeping so peacefully, usually with her head on the pillow and the sheets pulled up on her.

Most nights she sleeps about 11 hours. Some nights she cries out because she's lost her binky. She calls for her Daddy and Jeff goes to sleep with her for the rest of the night. She even has a travel potty in her room that she uses if she has to!

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