Friday, March 02, 2012

Sleep Chart

Grandma's work of getting the kids to sleep all night was short lived.  Lucas was quick to figure out that the $ store grab bag treats were crap.  And Ellen soon followed his lead.  She actually came to my room one night, stood beside my bed as I slept, and said, "Mommy, I don't like the grab bag anymore."  Yes, she woke up and made the decision that having mommy at night trumps the crap in the bag.

I talked to a therapist about it and how we had tried both positive and negative reinforcement.  The positive being the grab bags and the negative being no screen time (tv, iphone, ipad, computer) unless they slept all night.  That was just punishment for me.  She suggested that I try the positive reinforcement again.  She said it still works, they just get bored and I need to change it up.  That is how this chart was born.  I think it's going to work for Lucas.  After a week of stars, he gets his allowance of $3.  Today was the first day of the chart.  Lucas got a star, but Ellen did not.  See her face?  This might work for her too...

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