Wow, Lucas turned 7 months old today! I know everyone says this, but it really does seem like just yesterday that we were at the hospital with our newborn baby. This past month has been fun. With each month Lucas is showing us more and more of his personality. As far as physical development, I thought I was going to say that Lucas took a break this month, but just this past week he has changed so much. He can now crawl/scoot backwards, roll to get to something, and go from laying down to sitting. As a matter of fact, I just went into his room to get him up from a nap and he was sitting up in his crib - first time that has happened.
Here are some of the things that Lucas is doing now...laughing at Tyson a lot; plays peek-a-boo when Jeff or me are holding him and the other one of us hides and peeks out; eats Gerber-like Cherrios that dissolve in his mouth; eats (gums) pieces of bread; eats rice cereal, oatmeal, bananas, apples, pears, squash and sweet potatoes; has 2 bottom teeth; climbs on us when we're sitting down on the floor with him.
Lucas still likes taking baths, but hates getting dressed (he screams). He likes going on jogs in the stroller, but hates it when the sun gets in his eyes. He likes sitting in his high chair, but gets angry when he eats the last bite of food off his tray.
Sleep. When Lucas was an infant a friend told me that her 6 month old was still getting up once a night. I must admit that at the time I felt sorry for her that she couldn't get her baby to sleep better. MY 7 month old, however, still gets up 2-3 times a night...on a good night. On a good night he'll go down at 8, up at 11:30, up at 1:30 and up at 4:30. On a bad night he wakes up every time he turns over and realizes that he's alone in his crib. That's okay - we're working on it.
Here he is showing some GT spirit and eating a Triscuit (I got one for myself and he whined to tell me that he also wanted one). The other picture is him attempting to climb on his rocking horse. It's much harder to take pics now because he moves so much.