Sunday, July 20, 2008

Sunday Morning Park Outing

Now that we are in such a wonderful routine during the week, I need a routine on the weekends too. It doesn't matter if we just stay home, but I need to know the night before that that is the plan. On Friday night we planned to stay in on Saturday morning since Lucas had a pool party to go to in the afternoon. We made pancakes, played with trains and puzzles, and then made a quick trip to the hardware store. After nap we went to Katrin's birthday party and had a fun time hanging out with some of the kids and parents from Lucas's class. (I forgot my camera and will have to steal some pics from Katrin's blog soon).

On Saturday night we planned to go to the park on Sunday morning. Luckily Kim and Wendy had the same idea, so we got to spend the morning with them.

Do you think going to the park is easy? No way. You need lots of snacks, water, hand towel, diapers and wipes.

water, goldfish, granola bar, nut mix, popcorn, watermelon and wet towel

But once you get there it is worth it. Everyone has a great time and you can break for a snack at anytime...

And then we can look for bugs and spiders! In this picture Lucas and Charles were looking for a spider with a little girl they met at the park today.

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