Tuesday, March 24, 2009

A first time for everything...

LB fell asleep in his bed by himself last night and slept "until da sun came up"!! It wasn't intentional. I was rocking him to sleep when I heard Ellen wake up. I knew Jeff was in the shower, so I told him I was going to tend to Ellen and that I'd be right back to rock him some more. I took about 5 min with Ellen and when I went back to his room he was breathing his deep sleep breaths that are my sign that he's down for the night. Yay! AND, to make this post even better, Miss Ellen has fallen asleep in her crib by herself for both naps today! We had to go back in a couple of times to put in her pacy and wind her mobile, but eventually she drifted off. Now we just have to work on night time with her... I think she gets overly tired and fights it and we end up having to pick her up and rock/nurse her a few times before she finally goes to sleep. Maybe I'll try putting her down earlier...

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Way to go Lucas and Ellen!! Maybe the boys can have a slumber party when we go to Florida and sleep in the same bed!!