Friday, March 13, 2009


We have a strange child - he prefers salad over pizza. Now granted, there has to be some Ranch dressing nearby for dunking, but still. When we go out for pizza we ask him if he want some and he says, "No, just salad!" Fine with me. Now when we go out to dinner I immediately order him a side salad and save my $5 on the kid's meal. He doesn't get much variety at home though. Just about every night he has lettuce/spinach, carrots, cucumbers and pasta. His teachers are great about offering a variety of foods at school, so I don't worry about it. And just to be clear, he would eat cookies, ice cream or marshmallows every night if we let him. Here is the turkey with all of his bowls the other night... he keeps the dishwasher full!


Jennifer said...

Tyrus Benjamin is the same way! He would much rather eat lettuce over a hotdog or something. Of course, we always have to have cookies in the house.

Anonymous said...

He's not strange...Lucas E. loves salad! He eats it every night with dinner. He also loves any vegetable. Once again, they're so much alike!

Lisa said...

Alyssa is the same way too. I am so thankful for it.