Friday, February 05, 2010

Smart Girl

In a follow up to yesterday's post, Miss Ellen has not nursed at night for the past two nights. Hip, hip, hooray! A few nights ago I was awake in bed with an aching back because of the weird position that I was in. So the next night after Ellen nursed before bed I told her that the milk was going night-night. We told the milk good night and waved to my chest. That night when she woke up she asked to nurse, but when I reminded her that the milk had gone night-night she took her binky and her bunny and cuddled in my arms as I rocked her to sleep. She still woke up 4-5 times, but each time allowed me to either rock her, pat her back, or cuddle with her instead of nursing. Last night was the same, except that she woke up and played around in her room for about an hour. This was kind of annoying, but I drifted in and out of sleep as she did this... I could have forced her into my arms and rocked her, but I wanted to see what she would do. She finally came to me with her binky and bunny and threw herself on top of me, so I picked her up to rock her. She then tugged at the back of my shirt and I realized that she wanted to lie down in the bed instead of being rocked.. so we did and she went right to sleep. What a smart little girl. I thought I was "stuck" nursing her for 3yrs at night, but I just told her that I didn't want to anymore and she accepted it with no complaints.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Hip Hip Hooray!!! So, can we start planning our trip now?
love you!