Monday, February 15, 2010

Such a big helper...

Ellen is so smart! I think I'm surprised because she still seems like a baby to me with her small size (still wearing size 12 months at 16 months old) and lack of hair. I am pretty sure that she understands everything we say and can communicate what she wants to us either through sign language, words or other actions. She seems like she is going to be a clean and organized person.

* If she gets a tiny piece of dirt on her foot or hands she looks at us with a sour look on her face and says, "owwwwwwww" until we help her remove the dirt. She does the same thing if she gets food on her hands.
* When we go upstairs she insists that the gate at the top of the stairs is closed, and she also insists on doing it herself.
* She always takes her diaper to the trash after we're through changing her.

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