Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Ellen's First Dance Class

Ellen and I are now taking a Mommy and Me dance class on Monday mornings! I'm very excited about the 1/1 time with her : ) Also in our class are Rob and Karis. Karis has been taking these little classes for a few months, so she is totally into the groove. Ellen was able to follow Karis's lead and get into the groove pretty quickly, and seems to love it.
It's a class that is hosted by the county, so it's pretty inexpensive and nothing elaborate, but it's perfect for her age. There are about 8 other kids in the class and it's held in a room about half the size of a gymnasium. It lasts about 45 min and the teacher plays the songs that have the kids follow directions, identify body parts, etc. Like one song says to put the bean bag on your head, then your belly, etc. And they do freeze dances where they dance fast and then slow and then freeze. Ellen gets it when she's paying attention, but sometimes she gets bored and acts silly with one of the other kids :)
We've been twice now. The second day when it was time to go she grabbed her tutu out of my hand and said, "Mine!" as she ran out the door.

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