Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Problem Solver

Ellen is turning into a little problem solver, which I find amazing. Here are three examples that I can think of:

1) We were sitting down to eat dinner and Ellen did something (can't remember what) that warranted a time-out. She was refusing to go to time-out, so we put her bunny in time-out instead. T.O. for bunny and toys is on top of the fridge. Instead of whining or throwing a fit she said, more to herself than us, "I will get that bunny myself..."

She then proceeded to push their red kid table from one side of the kitchen to the other. Then she got one of the chair and put it on top of the table. Then, of course, she climbed on top of both of them to reach the top of the fridge!

2) At the park with Kelly and Lincoln on Sunday I turned around to see her standing in her undies. She was actually pulling her skirt back on. When I asked her what she was doing she said, "I had to go peepee, so I went in the grass."

And my favorite...

3) The kids had leftover pizza for lunch yesterday. As usual, I warmed it up for them and told them to blow on it and let it cool off for a minute. After a minute or so Lucas called me over and asked me to help him blow on his because it was still too hot. I helped him blow on it and then realized that Ellen was chowing down on her piece. I told Lucas that if Ellen was eating it then it couldn't still be too hot. Lucas then told me that Ellen's wasn't hot anymore because she poured ice water on it!

1 comment:

Karen said...

Ellen probably got the idea for pushing the table and chairs over to the fridge to get things off the top from Lucas... I remember he did that once to get a DVD down that I didn't know was supposed to be in "time out." ha!