Thursday, September 15, 2011

Hooray, SaSa is in town!

Sandy is in town for Jeff's last tri of the season. This morning she walked Lucas to school with Ellen and me. I had them pose to take a picture by his school, but when the kids leaned on Sandy, she fell back. They thought it was hilarious, so SaSa did it again for them )

Here are a couple of things outside of Lucas's classroom. A self portrait:

And his family! Now when I first saw this I must admit that I was a little disappointed. He clearly either didn't follow instructions or didn't pay attention to what he was doing and just kept drawing people until he ran out of room. It is supposed to be his family. When I asked him about it, however, he told me that he had included SaSa in his family since she was visiting. And when we asked him why he was so tall he told us that he was standing on a rock : )

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