Monday, September 05, 2011

Labor Day

I got a text from Holly while we were in the mountains asking us to come over for a cookout on Monday. We are always in for a visit to Katie and Tyler's house!

When we have played with K and T over the past two years, it has usually been Lucas playing with Katie and Tyler trying to get Lucas to play with him. But Lucas probably thought Tyler was a lot younger and enjoyed playing with Katie more. Ellen was always hanging out with me. Well times have changed. First of all, Katie is a girl and Lucas told me this week that boys can't play with girls. One of his first lessons on the kindergarten playground, I guess. Second, Tyler is a big kid and is now bigger than Lucas, even though he's over a year younger. Third, Ellen is big enough to hang and Katie loved being her mommy for the afternoon. So the genders have divided. Holly and I are afraid that Katie and Lucas may not be friends again until they date in high school : )

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