Saturday, November 19, 2011

Georgia Tech vs. Duke

 Today we went to the football game with Holly, Adam, Katie and Tyler.  We always have fun with them and today was no exception.  Beautiful day and good game. 

Here is sweet Ellen sitting in her Daddy's lap : )

Lucas acting silly!

Awww, I think this is a cute one...

Love this lady! Oh, her big moment of the day was giving Buzz a high five.  He was up in the stands, so she and I rushed down to see him, but he hopped back onto the field before we could get there.  So we stood around for about 15 minutes until we could motion him over near us... then I held Ellen down, over the wall so she could touch hands with Buzz.  I'm sure she'll be talking about it for weeks : )

Tyler, Lucas and Katie being goofballs!

Our oldest friends in Raleigh!  Or, the people we've known the longest.. : )

Team Schroeder.

These two were looking extra cute today.

Right after this lovely scene, Lucas tripped and hit his head...

He was fine, but needed a lift from Daddy.

Ellen was just happy to be there! : )

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