Friday, May 04, 2012


Just some updates on our favorite girl. 

Nicknames:  Ellie Belly (curtosy of Mom), El Bel (short for ellie belly), Ellen C, Lady.

- she seems like she will be athletic. not very prissy.  reminds me of stories that my grandmother told me about me at he age.  not interested in bows.
- pretty easy going about what she wears each day, though when she has an opinion it is hard to change.
- very attached to mommy lately.  if I am leaving she asks me when I'm going to be back, as if she can tell time.
- still needs me to lay with her as she goes to sleep each night.  still wakes up once a night and comes to our room.  I take her back to bed, tuck her in, and sleep on her floor until she falls back asleep.
- she sings all the time.  mostly songs she learns at school, but I've noticed her singing radio songs lately, like Taylor Swift. 
- she can read Tumford the Terrible from front to back (by memory)
- she likes to read the same books multiple times.
- she is not fun to take to the library.
- she is not really a shy person, but acts shy sometimes lately.  yesterday she ran and jumped in the UPS man's arms and gave him a hug.  Need to work on stranger danger!  though she knows him because he brought her her big girl bed.  she notices ups trucks everywhere.
- Karis and Jared are her best friends.
- she has a huge heart.  very compassionate.  I said today that I was going to put daddy in timeout because he didn't put his shoes up.  she got very concerned and said that she would help him by puttnig his shoes away for him because "he's my best friend."
- she rides her balance bike every day.
- she loves to swing on the new swing we have in our front yard.
- her bedtime is 7pm and she wakes up between 6-7am.
- she is not a great eater.  she'll eats a lot of different things, just not very much.
- she does not like cow's milk (lucas does now.)
- she loves her teachers, ms. Mary and Ms. Cindy.

She has recently started wearing bloomers since she likes to wear dresses, but also likes to monkey around:

I took her on a date to the cupcake shop this week:

She loves babies!!!  Here she is with her cousin, Emma.

And her she is walking into preschool with Karis.

Karis and Ellen playing in sprinkler at our house.

Her swing!

This is still Ellen's picture face.  She will NOT smile for the professional photographer!  We didn't order these because her hair looks read for some reason. 


More swinging!

She is such a daredevil!  She is showing me a trick here where she has one foot on the sidewalk and one foot on the seat of her bike as she walks/rides down the street!

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