Sunday, February 04, 2007

10 Months Old!

Jeff told Lucas this morning that he is now in the double digits. Here is what Lucas is doing as a 10 month old....

Signs: Lucas can get the sign for dog right all the time now. We ask him where Tyson is and he looks around to find him and pats his hand against his thigh. If I'm rocking Lucas and Tyson barks somewhere else in the house, Lucas will sit up and say, "woof, woof" and pat his hand against his thigh. He's so smart! (just kidding - this is normal stuff - but I do think he's a baby genius sometimes...just like all first time moms). Lucas does the sign for milk, but I still don't think he means milk every time. I think it means "mommy" or "mommy's chest".

Security: We've tried and tried to get Lucas to like a stuffed animal or blanket, so that when he wakes up he will have something comforting to cuddle up to. Unfortunately the thing that Lucas has chosen as his comfort item is me (more specifically, my chest). Actually, he has no problem with sticking his hand down anyone's shirt if mommy isn't around. Even Jeff.'s We have to keep his nails trimmed because we both have claw marks from him opening and closing his hand against our skin.

Words - Lucas babbles da-da-da and ma-ma-ma the most. Kristen, our nanny, says that she thinks he only says ma-ma when I'm around, but I am not sure about that yet. These sounds, barking, and "uh-oh" are his four "words" for now.

Mobility - We thought Lucas would be walking by 10 months, but now I wouldn't be surprised if it was closer to 1 year. He doesn't practice walking because, well, he just has more important things to do. If we try to practice by holding his hands he still pulls the wet noodle move so that he can get away to explore in the plants or cords. He's a pro at going up the stairs and is way too fast for us. We've started to put a gate at the bottom of the stairs because too many times have we looked over to see him half way up...with a big, goofy grin on his face.

Teeth - Lucas now has 8 teeth! They are so cute.

Kristen and Sophie - Lucas seems to really love his time with his nanny and her daughter. I never hear a peep from him and he can fall asleep for naps with Kristen as easy, if not easier, than he does for me. Kristen is a music teacher, so she sings to Lucas a lot - which he loves.

Books - Just this week Lucas has started to pay attention to us when we read him books. His favorites are Brown Bear, Brown Bear and Polar Bear, Polar Bear. He laughs at these books the same way he laughs at the green lizard on the Baby Einstein DVDs. We usually read Brown Bear, Brown Bear 7 or 8 times a night.

Food - Lucas is eating most meals by himself now. The only things that we feed him with a spoon are oatmeal, yogurt, and squash. He'll have cheerios and a banana for breakfast and then the rest of the meals are usually a hodge posh of whatever we are having or what I have in the fridge. His favorite foods are bananas, butternut squash and sweet potatoes. He has yet to keep a piece of cheese in his mouth. We're still nursing 3-5 times a day. I have no idea how much milk he is getting.

Sleep - I'm bored with this subject, as I'm sure all of you are by now. Let's just say that Lucas has given his mommy and daddy two restful nights in 10 months. At least there is a lot of room for improvement.

Here are Lucas and Tyson at 3am this morning. Lucas's teeth are bothering him, so instead of trying to get him to sleep, we just got up for a little snack. Lucas likes to look out for his little buddy by dropping food down for him...

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