Thursday, February 15, 2007

A Day in The Life

On Kristen's first day I wrote down an example of what Lucas does all day, by the hour. She wrote down his activities that day, and has kept doing it for me every day since. She said when Sophie was in daycare they did that for her, and she thought it was great. Here is what our little guy did yesterday (can his life be anymore documented???)...

8:15am - woke up, nursed, diaper change
9:00am - diaper change
got dressed
saw Sophie was combing her hair and picked up the brush and combed HIS hair
9:15am - breakfast - cheerios, banana, and a yo baby yogurt
10:00am -played with toys
chased sophie
practiced signs: more, milk, eat, food, please, ball, all gone
read 2 books - "he really likes Brown Bear and Polar Bear"
climbed the stairs
11:45am - diaper change
12:00pm - nap - "we were dancing and I was singing songs...when his eyes closed I
rocked him and then put him in his crib"
12:45pm - woke up (short nap), nursed
2:30pm - lunch - 1 cup sweet potatoes and 1/2 cup peas
practiced kisses and blowing bubbles with lips
3:00pm - changed diaper
4:00pm - gave the sign for "sleep" twice, rocked him, but no nap

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