8:15am - woke up, nursed, diaper change
9:00am - diaper change
got dressed
saw Sophie was combing her hair and picked up the brush and combed HIS hair
9:15am - breakfast - cheerios, banana, and a yo baby yogurt
10:00am -played with toys
chased sophie
practiced signs: more, milk, eat, food, please, ball, all gone
read 2 books - "he really likes Brown Bear and Polar Bear"
climbed the stairs
11:45am - diaper change
12:00pm - nap - "we were dancing and I was singing songs...when his eyes closed I
rocked him and then put him in his crib"
12:45pm - woke up (short nap), nursed
2:30pm - lunch - 1 cup sweet potatoes and 1/2 cup peas
practiced kisses and blowing bubbles with lips
3:00pm - changed diaper
4:00pm - gave the sign for "sleep" twice, rocked him, but no nap
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