Thursday, February 22, 2007

Spring is on the way...

It was 60 degrees yesterday with blue skies. It looks like the rest of the week will be the same. I totally have spring fever. I have the windows open today and can hear the birds chirping outside.

Jeff and I want to go on a date this Friday, so we made a deal with Kristen that we'd watch Sophie last night if she will watch Lucas on Friday night. I wasn't sure what else to do with two babies and a dog, so we went to the park. There were moments when I thought that two kids was easier than one, especially with Lucas's personality. He likes to be entertained and Sophie is the perfect entertainer. He is totally content when she is around. He seems more like a little boy than a baby because he is not needy and watches her and tries to copy what she does. Here are some pics of the two little cuties...


Kelly said...

So, so cute! I am totally jealous of your fabulous park. Lily will have to come play there sometime...

Jen said...

I totally agree that 2 kids are easier than 1. Carleigh loves to play with her sissy and tries to do everything she does. The kids are adorable. I can't believe how big Lucas is getting!!!