Thursday, January 24, 2008

Date Night

Not with Jeff - with Lucas!

My little tri-athlete of a husband has signed up for 4 sprint triathlons this year and is very diligent about his training. Among other things, he takes a swim class on Wednesday nights at our gym. Our gym is in the same shopping center as our Target, a grocery store, and some restaurants, so the past few weeks Lucas and I have either gone with him or followed him over there to do our thing while he is in class.

Tonight we went to a little pizza place and had so much fun. Lucas and I requested a booth and then both sat on the same side - Lucas in a booster seat. While we were waiting on the pizza we sang songs and pointed at things in the restaurant. Lucas loved the pizza and our waitress. She liked the way that he said (signed) please and thank you to her. I was ready to go before Lucas - he kept requesting more bites of pizza.

I realize now that it is much easier to take Lucas out one on one. When the three of us go out I think he gets bored because we aren't giving him 100% of our attention.

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