Saturday, January 05, 2008

Lucas's First Tea Party

Happy Birthday Sophie!
Lucas's sweet friend, Sophie, had her 4th birthday party today. Lucas enjoyed being the only prince among all of the princesses. He got to have his very own cupcake and tea (pink lemonade) at the tea party. And since Sophie's mama is a Kindermusik teacher he got to sing along and participate in some singing and dancing. They were singing one song about a tea pot being hot and Lucas was very smart to gently touch the teapot before accepting it to make sure it wasn't hot. I think he also enjoyed all of the pink things - a color we don't have much of in our house...
Sweet baby with a baby teacup

Lucas and the birthday girl!

Rosy little cheeks

"Wow, they have ice cream too!"

1 comment:

etodd said...

hi my lucas! just wanted to say hi quickly. so i just jumped on to show my bestie your pics and how darling you are and what better pics to show her but you at a tea party..remind your mama your not a girl!! and you hate rosey cheeks! but you love cousin erika!! i miss you so much and wish i was there to help you turn on the noise maker! miss you buddy!!