Wednesday, January 30, 2008

A Visit with Finn

Our super cute new neighbor came over with his mommy yesterday for dinner. It only took Ele and I a little over two hours to make dinner and eat it. Eating it was probably took longer because it was a challenge to have both babies content at the same time. Lucas watched the Wiggles while I finished up dinner, but then he decided he wanted a bath. A few min after I got him settled into his bubble bath he started screaming "mama" as loud as he could so that I'd get him out. Ele thought that his scream was piercing, but I told her that it gets MUCH louder. At the end of dinner I took the opportunity to scoop up little Finn and, just as I was enjoying holding a little baby again, Lucas noticed I was holding him and freaked out. He was SO jealous. He was crying and pulling on me and when I didn't put down Finn immediately he collapsed dramatically onto the floor and rolled around wailing. Oh my - I guess it's good there is not a baby coming anytime soon. Ele made a good point in that when I do get pregnant we will have a good 9 months to psyche him up for the baby.


Meg Boyd said...

Too cute! I love the post about your date night with Lucas!!!!m

Anonymous said...

I can't thank you enough for having us over! Ha ha - I described it to Will as, "Lucas crumpled into a little pile on the floor.." I think you should get started now! On the psyching up I mean...;) Or you could just hold off until he's 18 and out of the house. ;)