Sunday, August 31, 2008
Nursery Evolution
Air Lucas
7 Weeks To Go
Still Serious...
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Conversation with Katrin
Katrin: "Hi Lucas. What are you watching?"
Lucas: "Duncan. See that Katrin?"
Katrin: "Lucas, will you hold my hand?"
Lucas: "Nooooo."
Katrin: "I have to go work. I'll give you two chances."
Lucas: Turned off DVD player and got out of car seat. Jumping around in backseat, "Watch this Katrin!"
Mama: Somehow pull Lucas out of the car and start walking towards the door.
Katrin: Tries to convince Lucas to walk in with her by holding out her hand.
Lucas: "Mama hold you." (wants me to hold him)
After we walked into the school I put Lucas down and told him that Katrin wanted to walk in with him. They clasped hands and walked into school to start their day.
Thanks to Katrin for holding Lucas's hand for the second time this week! Lately he stalls in the morning and it takes us like 10 min to convince him to go into school. It's not that he doesn't want go in to school, it's just that he wants to play with all of the stuff outside. I need to get their 15 min early to allow for this, but no matter how hard I try, I can't get out of the house any earlier! Jeff calls Lucas a "delay fish"... from Nemo.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
The three of them made me feel so special and it was obvious that they put a lot of time into the planning... the evidence was in the details, which were amazing. When Sandy and I arrived they pinned a rose on each of us, they had each minute of the shower planned out, they made sweet little gifts for the guests that matched the color of the baby's room and even typed up a personal note to insert into the gift, and the detail that I most appreciated, they remembered my sweet Lucas and sent a gift home for him to open.
There were 15 of us total at the shower. It was so nice to see all of these friends. The only thing that bothers me is that you only get a few minutes to talk to each person, but hopefully everyone had a good time talking to the other girls. Everyone there had kids, except for two, but they just got married and want to have kids, so we talked about babies and kids the whole time. Sandy said at their table they talked about things that you never thought you'd let your kid do, but now can't believe you ever said "never" (like have a pacifier or jump on the bed). At my table we talked about hard choosing a name is, maternity clothes, and child-care.
The two hours went by so fast and then there were hugs and promises to call or get together soon. Just in case days turn into weeks and then into months without us getting together, thank you again to all of my friends that took a big chunk out of their Saturday to come to my shower! I loved all of the girly pink things!!! The nursery is almost complete with all of the bedding and clothes put away... I'll send pictures soon. And thank you also, and especially, to Wendy, Kim and Melissa. It was such a special day : )

Tuesday, August 26, 2008
32 Week Ultrasound
Monday, August 25, 2008
Need to catch up!
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Dada Pics
Monday, August 18, 2008
Conversations with Mrs. Xenia
Mrs. Xenia: "Lucas, what did you do this weekend?"
Lucas: "Played with Shenna and Cheff."
Mrs. Xenia: "Who?"
Lucas: "Mommy and Dada."
Mrs. Xenia: "Ohhhhh...."
This afternoon as I walked through the door of his school...
Lucas: "Miss Jah, Shenna's here!"
Sunday, August 17, 2008
A Lesson for Dada
He his is such a big boy now. It's so amazing.
Two Months to Go!
Friday, August 15, 2008
Shenna and Cheff
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
We (I) actually started looking for a sitter a few weeks ago. I talked about it with Kim and Wendy and we said that we were all ready to find a regular sitter that we could rely on. At first I thought we could just ask some friends at the park who they used, but Kim advised against this. She said that she had done this and gotten snubbed a few times... like, "how dare you ask me if you can use MY nanny" look from the women.
My next idea was to send an email to this Yahoo group that I belong to in my neighborhood. I got about 5 names from that and thought I had a good list, but two of the girls are traveling for the next few months, two won't be here until the fall, and one only babysits on week nights. That's the problem with college girls - they have a life and are often busy.
My last resort option was to use a local sitter service that is spoken highly of by friends. It costs $39 for a list of names that is updated each quarter, or you can pay $99 a year and get a new list of names every three months (the list changes along with the girl's schedule in college). Another option is to pay $13 for a one time placement (with a vow to never call the girl again unless you sign up for a membership). On Thursday afternoon, after several strike outs, I said "whatever" and called the service. The owner was so nice and even told me that if I wanted to sign up for the $39 list that is published in September that she'd wave the one time placement fee. Deal. She apparently couldn't find one of her girls with that short of notice, so she called her 45 year old aunt that helps her out sometimes.
This lady's name was Chelsey and she was so wonderful. I was actually happy to get a woman older than college age because Lucas responds better to this age. I could tell that he liked her from the start. After about 10 min of being quiet, he took her to his playroom and was showing her the train table and how he could do puzzles. He was saying, "Miss Chelsey, Miss Chelsey, watch this!" She said all of the right things and I felt great leaving him with her. When I told him that Mama and Dada were about to leave for our date he gave me a hug and then called me back by saying, "kiss, kiss."
When we returned four hours later Chelsey said that he was awesome. She made us feel so good... said that he was very polite... said "thank you" and "please", put his plate away, etc. They had fun playing hide and seek, puzzles, train and watching the bug movie.
We may use her again if she's willing... she said she was.
Monday, August 11, 2008
A really fun weekend...
And then, after much deliberation, Lucas chose an ostrich and Dada chose a horse...
The ride was fun... despite this look of boredom...
After the carousel we chose the train to ride next. We were the first in line, so we played on the swings for a few minutes while we waited...
But then we saw that the train was coming and ran over to wait our turn to get on board...
His first lap around was great and he seemed to be enjoying himself...
But after he passed us he realized that this wasn't a one lap event...
By the time he found us, it was too late... he was already scared. His eyes were wide, his face was flushed, and his lips were trembling. Jeff scooped him up when he went by and we told him what a big boy he was to have made it around as many times as he did!
Then we ended the trip with another ride on the carousel. Lucas chose a pig and dada an ostrich. The perfect end to a great park trip...