Sunday, December 14, 2008

Santa Experience 2008

Lucas knows who Santa is this year and knows that he is going to bring presents on Christmas morning. We had been telling him all week that on Saturday we were going to go see Santa and ride the Christmas train at Pullen Park. We have seen Santa two other times already - once at the mall from a distance and once at North Hills, but Lucas just wanted to look. So on Saturday morning I told him that he was going to have the chance to sit in Santa's lap and tell him what he wanted him to bring him for Christmas, but that mommy or dada would sit with him if he wanted us to. He was excited when we got to the park ("we're here!") and was excited to stand in the line to wait for Santa. I was planning on sitting down with him, but he climbed up in Santa's lap and then I put Ellen in Santa's arms and was about to sit down when I realized that he didn't look that scared. So I stepped back and Jeff snapped a quick picture. Then Santa asked Lucas what he wanted for Christmas and he said, "a toy store." Ha! What a smart little guy.
Ellen and Lucas with Santa

Note: Ellen kind of got jipped on a pretty Christmas picture this year. It was too cold outside to put her in a pretty dress and too cold to unwrap her for the picture. Sorry sweet girl!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

That picture looks great and it reminds me a lot of ours with that face that Lucas is making.