Sunday, December 21, 2008

When Santa and Mrs. Clause arrived there were many gasps and cheers. I was surprised and tickled to see Lucas run to the front of the group and wave to Santa in that slightly baby wave where he sticks his arm out straight and moves his whole palm back and forth. As Santa made his way to the chair in the center of the room, Lucas was right on his heels. When Santa sat down and was trying to get settled I could hear Lucas's little voice scream out "my Lucas. my two!" Santa was impressed as well and asked Lucas if he wanted to be the first to sit on his lap. Lucas climbed right up and when asked what he wanted Santa to bring for Christmas this time he replied "presents."

Lucas thought it was cool to get a present from Santa, but not cool enough to remember to bring the car that he received home with him!

It was a great Santa that spent a lot of time with Lucas and made sure that we got a picture of them...

Miss Ellen was fine with her one visit with Santa last week and took the 2nd half of the party in from Mama's chest...

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