Tuesday, February 17, 2009

She did it!

Ellen rolled over last night for the first time! It was very cool to see. We were in the playroom and she was on her back on the floor. She kept progressing so that she was on her side, but then she'd teeter there for a second and fall back on her back. She would squeal in frustration and then try it again. Her face was red and she was making little noises of determination. Finally she made it! We cheered and clapped for her and she smiled as if she was proud of herself. She did it 3 times last night and has been practicing this morning already. I have to laugh though because I was just reading about how the age a baby turns over is more a sign of their temperament than their physical capabilities. Well, that totally flies with my kids because Lucas turned over almost exactly one month before Ellen. So far it seems that my kids have totally different temperaments. I'll let you guess which is laid back and which is not ;-)


Jennifer said...

Way to go Ellen!! I guess our Miss Mary has too much to roll over or she just doesn't care!

Kristen said...

Actually, 4 months is early for a baby to roll over from back to tummy! Most babies can not master this skill untill 5-6 months because it requires more neck and arm strength and determination than the tummy to back roll! It sounds like you have two children with this awesome quality! I'm not surprised :)