We visited my hometown of Jonesboro, Georgia this weekend and it was AWESOME! My grandmother (Mom) is the only one that still lives in Jonesboro. A few weeks ago I realized that if we didn't make extra effort to see her that Ellen would be walking before they met, so we booked a trip. At first I was just going to take Ellen because she flies for free, but then I thought that would be silly since Lucas needs to see his family too. We decided to leave dada at home to take care of Tyson... and get a much deserved break from his daddy duties. I imagined just the three of us hanging out with Mom, with Jenn and the kids coming up during the day. It quickly, however, snowballed into a huge family reunion. We're so lucky that everyone could work their schedules around our visit. It was like Christmas, but without the stress of gifts and big dinners. Lucas had the time of his life. He squeezed every little bit of fun that he could this weekend! So here we go... the story of our trip highlighted with pictures...
It was Ellen's first flight! And actually it was the first flight that Lucas was old enough to understand. He was SO excited. He must have asked me 100 times between the time Jeff dropped us off and the time that we actually took off when we were going to "get on the hairplane and go high up in da sky."
This is what Mom's house looked like most of the wknd... toys everywhere!

I was on edge on Friday because of all the sugar that Lucas was consuming! I hated to be such a party pooper, but I feared that he'd hit a wall around midnight and I'd be the one that paid for it. I mean we all know that Lucas already acts like he drinks coffee all day - he doesn't need any extra energy! That being said, I was a dummy and forgot to pack any snacks for a plane ride, so Lucas consumed the following on our flight: sucker that I found at the bottom of my diaper bag, two plane ginger cookies, and a ginger ale. Once we got to Mom's Ty showed him where the push-ups were and I'm sure he had at least three that day. At one point I was not around him and my mama told me this story: Lucas was in the kitchen and heard somebody else ask for a coke, so he went up to Mom and asked her for a coke. She didn't know that he had never had a coke, so she poured him a cold one. My mama said that when he took a sip his eyes got wide and he said, "HMMM, that's good! May I have more peas?" Oh my goodness. Luckily he burned off all of the sugar with all of the playing and it wasn't a big deal... and the sugar novelty had worn of by Saturday and it was much more of a balanced diet day. I know, I know, I need to loosen up...
We were at my parents all day yesterday! We could have seen you!! Cute pics!
Shan, I love these pics. I especially love the ones that only you got! I had so much fun this weekend!! Start packing your bags because I am going to pester you until the day I die about you moving HOME to Georgia!!
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