Thursday, May 14, 2009

It won't be like this for long...

So the bird has lost the memo about how babies should sleep through the night. She must have received it before she was born because she was such a great sleeper at first! Actually, I know what has happened. She has learned that she wants her mommy at night and that if she cries she will get what she wants.

Last night Jeff and I treated ourselves to staying up late (11:30) and watching the season finale of Lost. It took me until midnight to get to sleep and then Ellen woke up at 12:03. I got her back to sleep, was back in bed at 12:18, and then she woke up again 20 min later. I always lose count on nights like this, but I think she woke up 2-3 more times before she woke up at 5:30. We snoozed a little until 6:00 and then she was all smiley and wanted to play... so I dumped her on Jeff and got another 1/2 hour of sleep. When I woke up I was a little grouchy and considered calling in sick to work (doesn't 5.5 hours of multiple interruptions of sleep qualify as sick?), but felt better once I got up and got moving.

I said before Ellen was born that I'd not put up with no sleep for another 3 years - our second baby was going to have to learn how to sleep at a young age. Then two things happened - I fell madly in love with her when she was born and Lucas started talking. I still lay down with Lucas every night until he falls asleep. If I get up before he's fallen asleep he says, "Mommy, don't go yet." or "Mommy, please hold me some more." or "Mommy, please stay here for 2 more minutes." What a sweet boy.

I am sure that if Ellen could talk she would say something like this when she wakes up at night, "Mommy, where are you? You were here when I went to sleep. Please come back and hold me. I love you so much and just want to be close to you." This is what I tell myself, at least. Another thing I tell myself is that it won't be like this for long. Lucas is 3 now and my heart aches when I think about the moments that I want to remember but have faded away already. He still needs me so much, but probably a little less each day as he becomes more independent. I can't believe that Ellen is almost 7 months old. She will be walking before we know it and so when she wakes me up tonight for the 3rd time I will just push the grouchy thoughts aside and be thankful that she needs me and that I can make her feel safe, happy and loved in a matter of seconds...

And she looks so darn cute in these new pj's that it's not that hard : )


Jennifer said...

Shan, you're very right. It won't be like this for long. I already miss the "little baby" that Mary and Ty once were. I wish I could win the lottery and have a whole bunch of them!

Anonymous said...

Shan, you are such a wonderful mother! Lucas and Ellen are very lucky!!

Karen Bodie said...

I've enjoyed reading bits and pieces of your blog recounting all the milestones and memories of Lucas and Ellen!

I watched another 3 year old boy this morning (he is about 6 months older than Lucas), and I'm amazed at how different little boys the same age can be! Your Lucas is sure a sweet sweet boy and so polite and snuggly! I missed them this morning!