Thursday, April 07, 2011

5 Year Wellness Visit

Lucas had his 5 year check-up today. Hard to believe!!! It was so much fun and he was REALLY looking forward to it because he knew he wouldn't be getting any shots or pinches. This because he freaked out so badly from a tiny finger pinch at his 4yr old visit that I scheduled him two appointments this year - one for the FOUR shots and one for the easy stuff.

I don't remember if I blogged about his shot appointment or not. He was actually really good about it. I decided not to tell him about it until we were on our way there. I thought the anxiety would be worse than the actual shots. He cried, but not until they poked him, and then he recovered quickly and got to choose a prize from the treasure box.

So for his 2nd visit, since there was no fear of shots, he was almost giddy. He greeted the nurse and doctor with smiles as he skipped around the office gloating about how he wouldn't be getting any shots. You can see how happy he was in the pictures below : ) The rest of the appointment was uneventful. He passed all of the hearing and vision tests, and then answered the standard developmental questions.

His stats at 5yrs old are this:

Weight: 38lbs (30th percentile); Height: 42 5/8 inches (45th percentile) ; Blood Pressure: 96/40 ; Hemoglobin: 12.8

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