Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Special Visitors!

Our dear friends, Wendy, Charles and Caroline were in town for a few days this week. We met at a nearby park, like we've done so many times before, and it seemed like we hadn't missed a beat. It was so fun for me to see the interaction between Charles/Lucas and Caroline/Ellen. We couldn't get over how similar the girls are right now. Both have wild, curly, crazy hair. And both have serious, sassy expressions. Both have fair skin and they are about the same size. And.. both are ADORABLE : )

Charles and Lucas acted like best buds, like Wendy and I always hoped they would! They played basketball for awhile and then spent over an hour climbing on top of the play structure. Wendy and I laughed that we are now the moms with the "big" kids that don't use the equipment properly : )

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