Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Ellen's First Haircut!

Ellen's hair, like Lucas's hair, seems to grow more out than down. So it doesn't seem like she would need a haircut, but we wanted an expert's opinion. The top/back is frizzy and tangly in the morning, so I thought maybe our friend Joey would want to thin it out. He ended up just cleaning up the ends and you could hardly tell, but it does look neater. She did great during the cut. She knows Joey from when Lucas has gone to him. She was pretty straight faced, and even yawned at one point : )

Lucas had an allergy attack on his eye a few minutes before we left. He seems to have this happen once a year. I gave him some Claritin and it was better before we left (see last picture). Lucas also got his "kindergarten" haircut. I'm thinking I like his hair better long.


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