Friday, August 12, 2011

The houses that built me...

Today we took a short outing to give Mom time to get ready for the day. I hadn't been back to my childhood house in years and was dying to visit. It's funny everything seemed so far apart as a child, when in reality these houses were only a couple of miles from the house I lived in during high school. Anyway, this first one is my very first house. 2588 New Haven Drive, Jonesboro, GA. Ahhh, it feels good to just type that for some reason. The upstairs, right window was the window to my room. I spent hours and hours playing in this front yard!

This house belonged to my best friend, and very first friend, Kevin. Kevin's parents lived right down the street from my parents and our mom's were pregnant with us at the same time. I also spent many hours playing in this yard!

This is the rental house that we lived in while our new house was being built.

And this was Mom's house when I was a little girl. I LOVE this house. I can still smell what it smelled like and if I close my eyes I feel like I can remember every detail of the inside of it. It was so nice to see it again.

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