Monday, August 29, 2011

First Day of School Eve!

We are all so excited that Lucas starts school tomorrow! Kindergarten! The way that our county works the Kindergarten system is that it has the children go in for one full day of school, but with only 25% of their class, before their first real day. So Lucas will be in a small group of about 5 kids tomorrow. Each of the 6 teachers will have 5 kids. The small groups will rotate through all of the teachers, recess, lunch, etc while the teachers secretly are assessing them. The goal, I think, is for the classes to have an even distribution of skill levels. The day after tomorrow none of the kids will go to school and all of the K teachers will meet and create the class lists. Tomorrow night they will post the lists at 6pm, have a meet the teacher session, and then the PTA will host a dinner for all of the K families. Then, finally, his first real day of school will be on Thursday.

We were given a list of supplies for him to bring on his staggered entry day. He was so excited to sort them and get them ready!

One of the items he needed was a white folder with a clear sleeve on the front. He insisted that it was too boring and needed a picture...

So he drew a robot and named it Rex.

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