Lucas's nanny, Gina, came over on Wednesday to get acquainted with us. She was a big hit with Lucas. He was just waking when she arrived and he gave her big smiles and was talking more than he's ever talked, as if he was telling her all about himself.
Yesterday was Gina's first full day. When she arrived this time Lucas was ready for a nap and a little fussy. The three of us were having fun playing downstairs, so I told Gina that I was going to my office and to let me know is she needed anything. A few minutes later I hear the "Mommy, where are you!?" cry. Gina said that Lucas was happy, but as soon as I walked up the stairs he poked out his bottom lip and started to cry. Poor baby.
So I helped Gina rock him to sleep, but he woke up twice within 1/2 an hour of going down. He had just gotten shots the day before and I thought the best thing was to get good sleep, so we put him down on our bed....and he slept for 4 hours!! He hasn't done that since he was an infant. What a day to do it - he should have been playing and getting to know Gina. Oh well.
Jeff and I really like Gina, and I am enjoying working, so I think this will be a great setup. Lucas got more comfy with the grandmas each day that they were here, so I'm sure he'll do the same with Gina.
"I love Miss Gina!...but where did Mommy go?"

Drool Monkey